Monday, February 25, 2013

Hey guys, it's me again! I'm hosting another charity race, this time it's to bring my little sister home. She is a special needs child that is living in an orphanage in China. She is 8 years old and will age out of the orphanage soon. This is an unexpected blessing to our family. But, with this being unexpected, we are needing to raise some money to help get her home. So, I am hosting a virtual 5K and half marathon. 5K will be 20.00, and the half marathon will be 20.00. If you choose to do both then it is 35.00. We are also considering doing a Special Needs race for people/children with disabilities. There would be a special medal for this race. I thought this was a neat idea since my sister has special needs. This price will be 15.00 for this race. I didn't want to leave anyone out that might like to help. The theme of this race is April Showers. The more you run in April, the more showers you're going to need.




  1. Can you please explain how this works? Do we have to show that we ran it to get the medal shipped to us? Is the price of shipping the medal included in the price to do the race?

    1. Oh and when does the race need to be run by...etc. I would love to share this on my blog as well as my FB page for you.

  2. Good morning .. The mile are son on the honor system so no proof is needed but everyone can post times as pics as they wish :) ... Shipping I included in the price unless coming from overseas . The race can be ran anyday in April or you can combine days of needed . Run a little everyday works to . I would be honored if you'd share this on your page and thank you

    Christy :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Autumn If you're viewing this from a mobile scroll down and click view web version :)

  5. I registered last night for the 5K!! I will be running on behalf of my autistic son. When does the "race" have to be run by??? Also, I requested to join the Facebook group and I am waiting to hear... Looking forward to lots of races with you.

  6. Hello !!! Thank you so much for registering for my Charity race !!!! It truly means a lot to me .!! You can run your 5k anyday in April or a combination of different days if needed . I added you to my group and am so excited to have a new running friend . Happy Monday :)

  7. Hi Christy, would you be interested in doing a Scentsy fundraiser? I'd donate 100% of my commission towards your cause. All you would have to do is let your friends and family know that 20% of their purchases made through your fundraiser on my website will go towards your cause. Check out my website and send me an email if interested.

  8. Hello there! I'd like to register for your race, but need to have an address to send the payment to. Some of my friends have done your races too.

  9. Just finished my half yesterday. Do we need to post our times someplace?

  10. You don't have to but you can on my facebook group page . " Christy's Virtual Charity Races " :) I love hearing the stories and times
